This Map of the Third Age was designed by the Sage Epinanaus for his Histories, whose writings are lost. The map is the only known remnant of his historical labors besides the extant testimony Sage of the Eldark and it depicts only the midwestern and northward realms.
The original map had titles in Greek, as Epinanaus was from a Greek-speaking colony. He indicates some things consistant with what is known of the First Age, such as the placement of the Axe-cut trail, Azerdon home of the Magi, and the location of forlorn Nzul. (Missing notably is Mt. Argunizial, where was once the Sapphire throne, as it was not a legend well-known until the Fourth Age, eventhough it is mentioned it in Sage of the Eldark).
Epinanaus' historical sensibilities also require him here to recall The Second Age by a drawn emphasis on the Atlantean Hegemony, namely, the very notable presence of the colony Atalur, surrounded by its mountains, for even after the Atalurans had been conquered by the Romans, they did not cease to be an influence.
The Third Age he characterizes by indicating the hegemony of the Greeks and then the Romans in the West, especially the great cities of his own time, the lovely Grecian port city Gandolon at the bottom of the Isaurian peninsula and the Roman seat of Empire Regulum.
Finally he seems to be looking ahead to the Fourth Age ushered in by the Fall of Nystol, which would happen in his lifetime, wherefore the large depiction of the famous wizard towers featured in the front the map.