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Realms of


milieu of epic story writer

Fr. H.G. Potter


The War is not what you thought...

"This book is amazing! It’s a very interesting blend between Christianity and epic fantasy. There are spiritual and philosophical discussions that brought me to reconsider values and thoughts taken for granted. It features a VERY good language. It is, in my opinion, the fantasy book with THE best language.”

J. Lennquist,   Goodreads


“I enjoyed this book so much. The setting is detailed and lived in, pulls you into the story. You truly worry and feel for the characters and their mission, and at the same time you think you're reading a lost and forgotten tome of Christian history... I would recommend this not only to any fantasy fan that's been burned out on the genre to get a new perspective on it, but anyone looking for a great book."                                                                                                                                 Cory P,

Oil City PA



"... work on Never Leave Your Monastery began back in 2005, after being engrossed one night by a certain comedic swashbuckling film of high adventure. I worked the epic over long periods, for some 15 years. The narrative is heavily imbued with Christian symbolism and anecdote, being meant as a continuation of the Western epic tradition that began with Homer, and I will also add that it features the solar journey-against-the-dark-overlord plot found wherever the mythos-culture thrives. It is meant to convey a journey for spiritual integration and maturity, a coming of age "tragi-comedy" with meditations on the Christian way, and the medieval communal archetypes of living beyond. In some sense, it is a solution offered against the modernist angst."
                                                                                                                               -H.G. Potter


Never Leave Your Monastery
The Fall of Nystol and Other Tales
The Deeptracker's Guide to Thaumaturgy and Netherbeasts
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